Hi all, sorry for my english. I'm desperate :(.... From about 15 days I'm trying to make the Gomory-Hu algorithm: http://www.corelab.ntua.gr/~syrganis/sources/Gomory-Hu.pdf I'm using succesfully the Boost library to manage and build the graph but unfortunately the Gomory-Hu algorithm was not implemented :( Into the boost library there is only the mincut function and I have trying to use it (edmunds_karp_max_flow) for to make the Go-Hu function but the result was disastrous (the code is very long and I have lost the "control" of the program so at the and the program works only with some examples :(.....It's unusable) On the net there isn't any source code :( I have found only a pseudo-code here: http://www.prefield.com/algorithm/graph/gomory_hu.html But honestly I don't know how to convert it in c++ for to use with boost library. Please, somebody can help me? I'm very very desperate :( . Thanks a lot all for the help. Bye :) Passa a Yahoo! Mail. La webmail che ti offre GRATIS spazio illimitato, antispam e messenger integrato. http://it.mail.yahoo.com/