Hi! Currently i'm trying to understand serialization via base pointer in a dll. My environment: - Windows XP SP3 - MS Visual Studio 2010 Prof (German) - Boost: 1.45.0 To try that i created 2 projects in one solution: test.exe (like test_dll_plugin) and test_plugin.dll (like dll_polymorphic_derivied2). Copied these files from boost/libs/serialization/(test|examples). Files in test.exe project (console app): - polymorphic_base.hpp - test_tools.hpp - text_archives.hpp Files in test_plugin.dll (standard win32 dll): - polymorphic_base.hpp - test_dll_plugin.cpp - polymorphic_derived2.cpp shared files: - test_decl.hpp - polymorphic_base.hpp Then i tried to copy the project settings to know the exact required settings: test.exe: --------- Preprozessor: WIN32;(_DEBUG|NDEBUG);_CONSOLE;BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC=1;BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK=1 C++: Checking of small types: Yes /RTCc Funktionlevel-Linking aktiv: No /Gy- Run time type info: yes / GR systeminternal functions active: yes /Oi Runtime Library: Multithreaded(-Debug)-DLL (/MD|/MDd) test.dll: --------- Preprozessor: WIN32;(_DEBUG|NDEBUG);BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK=1;BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC=1;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;PLUGINDLL_EXPORTS C++: minimal recompilation: No /Gm- complete runtimechecking (Vollständige Laufzeitüberprüfung): Standard Run time type info: yes / GR Runtime Library: Multithreaded(-Debug)-DLL (/MD|/MDd) Now my questions: First Question: Are the above mentioned project settings for the exe and the dll really right and complete? Or is something not needed or missing? Second question: In my real project the dll should be able to provide derivied class dependant MFC Objects (Views/Dialogs) which are then shown in the exe. So: Is that (serialization through basepointer in dll) possible with a MFC extension library or do i need to create a MFC gui dll and a "polymorphic_derived2.dll"? Hope that is understandable ;) Best Regards Georg Gast