Hi, I am updating some of my code to use Phoenix3 instead of
For example in Phoenix2 I used to have this extension to support
'cos(...)' expressions:
namespace boost{
namespace phoenix{
struct cos_eval{
template struct result{typedef double
template static RT eval(Env
const& env, Arg_ const& arg_){
return cos(arg_.eval(env));
template<typename Arg_>
void cos(Arg_ const& arg_){
return compose(arg_);
In Phoenix3, if I followed things correctly (from here
the new framework ask for the following, which doesn't work. The error
(see at end) is difficult to decipher. What am I missing to implement
this simple expression extension? -- Thanks.
#include //v3
, (meta_grammar) // Arg
namespace boost { namespace phoenix
struct cos_eval{
typedef double result_type;
operator()(Context const& ctx, Arg const& arg) const{
return std::cos(eval(arg, ctx));
template <typename Dummy>
struct default_actions::when
: call
template <typename Arg>
typename expression::cos_<Arg>::type const
cos_(Arg const& arg){
return expression::cos_<Arg>::make(arg);
usr/include/boost/proto/matches.hpp:846:13: error: no type named
‘proto_tag’ in ‘const struct
boost::phoenix::vector2 >, 0l> > >,
1l> >*, double&>&, const boost::phoenix::default_actions&>’
compilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors.