
The basics: New to boost. Converting a project from VC7 to VC8 that uses Lambda functionality. Other issue, (I didn't write this code... so still learning it). The problem: ----------- The original compiles in earlier compilers, but comes up with "Ambiguous" error in VC8. The original code doesn't deal with Issues with MSVC compiliers, this I found in my searches. The fix from the Searches, points me to using the following workaround: (This was posted on both boost.org and ASPN) http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/1387917 Now I get the basics, but I am still not quite sure about the whole boost structure, so heres the code I am dealing with. 4 files, so not too bad, and only in a small section. I've got the Basic's, I am just not sure how to conver this over: [code] template< class T > struct Holder { T value; }; typedef InheritMultiple < //MythicDebug --> list< int, std::string, Widget >, --> lambda< Holder< _ > >::type --> >::type myWidgetInfo; } // inheritance [/code] The part --> list<... is where I am unsure of how to convert it over to the style in the above post: [code] ------ (snipped) ------ typedef ownership type; BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_SUPPORT(1, ownership, (T)) [/code] The compile error comes in about the lambda< Holder<_> >::type [code] Test.cpp(47) : error C2872: 'lambda' : ambiguous symbol could be '\boost\boost\mpl\aux_\preprocessed\plain\full_lambda.hpp(27) : boost::mpl::lambda' or 'boost::mpl' [/code] Now I have tried changing it to: boost::mpl< Holder... boost::mpl::lambda< Holder.. All of those just give me other errors, even worse in number.. As far as I can tell I need to use the MSVC Compilier workaround to fix this... This is the last fix I need to start testing the code as I've managed to convert/fix the rest.. I am just not sure how to convert [ list< int... ] to [ BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_SUPPORT(1, ownership, (T)) ] Thanks, John Henry