On 17/04/2015 02:10, Lorenzo Trivelli wrote:
I'd also be glad to fix it by myself and so help boost developement, , but I do not completely understand the usage of the system boot time... If boost needs in some way a tmestamp to differentiate things, in my opinion there are plenty of them to use instead of the last boot time.
Obviously it has been done for a reason, but I cannot understand why :-D
I'm not really all that familiar with Interprocess, but my understanding is that it uses the filesystem for some of its constructs (which I think is weird and wrong, and likely a side effect of having Posix origins, but that's a topic for another day). Given that the failure was somewhere related to directory names, what's probably happening is that it's trying to find the name of its shared directory. For that it evidently wants to use the boot time, as it's a value that should be identical for all processes started since the last reboot, but different between reboots (to avoid getting stale data).