Hello All,

Thanks for resolving my ASIO related issues so far, special thanks to Igor R.

Now I am having a very strange problem. My program (based on chat server example in ASIO documentation) work fine on a simulator machine and have been tested thoroughly. But when I put it on another machine, it starts giving strange problems some seems to be random but I observed one of them very consistent.

  std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> buffers;

  boost::asio::async_write(*_socket, buffers, boost::bind(&DJClient::handle_write, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error));

For the above code, handle_write is never called. I can see on the server side that the server has received the request and has also sent the response. But I do not receive the response in the client side. It seems something is going wrong with io_service but don't know what. The same code has worked on a different machine. Any help will be highly appreciated.

Anil Agrawal
Patrick Technology & Systems
Phone: +61 2 8333-6340