I'm happy to announce that the preliminary 2008 BoostCon program is on the web site. http://www.boostcon.com/program/sessions I'm quite pleased and excited with the program. We have tutorials and lectures on many core Boost libraries with topics including threading, serialization, networking, C++0x features, high performance generic programming, text processing, and more. We will also have a new 'Library in a Week' workshop to extend Boost.Algorithm. A new feature this year, based on feedback from last year, will be Author's Corner sessions where library authors discuss and answer questions about their libraries. And, finally, Bjarne Stroustrup with the keynote address. We hope to have the final program and schedule completed shortly. Note that while these sessions represent the bulk of the program we have a few more sessions in the works and are still looking for a couple more sessions to fill out the program. So, if you've been thinking of submitting a session please do it as soon as possible. http://www.boostcon.com/program/call-for-sessions Thanks, Jeff