I have a problem with Mutable queue.
I'm trying to store edge descriptors there, but sometimes (!) my program
fails with segmentation fault at mutable_queue.hpp:94 when I'm trying to
push an edge_descriptor into the queue.
There is a way how I declare and create the queue (entire code is to
long to include):
typedef typename property_traits<CostMap>::value_type C;
typedef indirect_cmp IndirectCmp;
IndirectCmp icmp(cost, compare);
typedef mutable_queue
MutableQueue Q(num_edges(g), icmp, index_map);
where g is VertexAndEdgeListGraph,
compare is std::less<C>(),
cost is weight_map(get(&Edge::cost, graph)),
index_map is property_map::type
edge_index = get(&Edge::index, graph)
My program fails here:
Q is declared above
s is typename graph_traits<IncidenceGraph>::edge_descriptor s
I guess, something is wrong with the Index Map.
Please, help me!
Thanks in advance,