On Saturday, 27. November 2010 17:45:05 Carmine Paolino wrote:
The code compiles and runs well with degree centrality, node strength (a generalization of degree centrality to graphs with weighted edges), and PageRank. You can see the working code here: https://github.com/earcar/lana
Do you mean the code including the named vertices or the code without the named vertices?
It's the actual project (still in early stages!), which is implemented with named vertices.
Ok, because your algorithms are working with named vertices, it seems that brandes_betweenness_centrality() is calling a function that the others do not... As otherwise, these should also fail. At least that's what sounds logical to me :)
Because this might represent a bug (you seem to have the most recent version of boost - maybe except for the svn-versions) and since you are actually working on that problem, could you please file a bug report on this?
Here it is: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4899
Maybe it will even be fixed in the november bug sprint...
General information about the bug sprint is here: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/BugSprintNov2010
Nice! However, I think you missed/forgot the point about named vertices and the hashed_distribution and the operator().
Best, Cedric