----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Dimov"
Samuel wrote:
I don't understand this. I did not reply earlier since I assumed it does not matter, and I still assume that whoever might be concerned about this can be the one to decide the relevance. However if you are saying that a warning will result from not using dynamic_cast then you did not read my message. The problem is that the compiled program did not work; it produced unexpected results (I forget the details). The unexpected results could easily cause someone else more work to solve.
We can't address the issue without knowing about the details you've forgotten.
I think there is a more productive way to say what you want to say. Instead of wording it as a criticism, it is just as easy to make it a more direct request. I did not bother to remind myself of the details when I wrote the above comment because it was not sufficiently relevant. I can provide the details of course. I will do that in a separate message.