> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/doc/html/boost_asio/overview/core/stran...
Ah! It also says, "The io_service::strand::wrap() function creates a new completion handler that defines asio_handler_invoke so that the function object is executed through the strand." And the composed operations have a hook on their intermediate handlers that call asio_handler_invoke with the completion handler's context. So I simply need to pass the wrapped handler object directly to the composed operations as the completion handler. Cool. Now I'm beginning to wonder if this will work with my design. I want my program to run handlers as concurrently as possible. I'm currently using a single io_service and setting up a thread pool like the HTTP Server 3 example. Since the io_service doesn't know if a handler would be blocked by a strand, it could needlessly assign an about-to-be-blocked handler to a free thread. How do I fix that?