23 May
23 May
2:05 a.m.
On 5/22/07, Nicolas Emiliani
this works fine but, i need to bind a member pointer that returns an int, so as i understand i need to do this :
boost::bind<int>( &bla::member_that_returns_int , &b)
but boost::thread won't accept it in the constructor...
So... what I'm asking is.... is there a trick to do this that I'm not aware of?... basically what occucrred to me was to encapsulate de method that returns an int using the () operator... but it seems pretty nasty to me.
So what you want is to run that function in a thread, and collect the result when it has finished? Sounds a bit like futures: http://braddock.com/~braddock/future/ http://braddock.com/~braddock/future/future_20070429/README.txt -- Caleb Epstein