Thank you Eric, it now compiles fine.
However, I am still having problem to acces the histogram :
typedef iterator_range
histogram_type; histogram_type histogram = tag::density(angular_acc); // error C2143: erreur de syntaxe : absence de ';' avant '<' (--> "syntax error : missing ';' before '<'")
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < histogram.size(); ++i) { // problem with small results: epsilon is relative (in percent), not absolute! if ( histogram[i].second > 0.001 ) BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( 0.5 * (1.0 + erf( histogram[i].first / sqrt(2.0) )), histogram[i].second, epsilon ); } Could you help me ? Regards Olivier Eric Niebler a écrit :
Olivier Tournaire wrote:
When I use this
std::cout << " count(acc) = " << boost::accumulators::extract::count(angular_acc) << std::endl;
to extract a value from my accumulator, I get compile errors :
boost\detail\function1.hpp(67) : error C2065: 'UnaryFunction' : identificateur non déclaré ("undeclared identifier") ... boost\detail\function1.hpp(67) : error C2275: 'impl' : utilisation non conforme de ce type comme expression ("*illegal use of this type as an expression")* boost\detail\function1.hpp(67) : error C2059: erreur de syntaxe : ')' ("syntax error") boost\detail\function1.hpp(67) : error C3861: 'BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT': identificateur introuvable, même avec une recherche qui dépend de l'argument ("identifier not found")
I am using boost 1.34.1 under VC 2003. Any issue ?
Ah. The accumulators library uses a newer version of the concopt_check library than what was in 1.34.1. In the file, the boost/backports directory contains everything you need. Be sure that that directory is in your include path before the rest of boost.
-- Le temps des cerises reviendra. Dans l'immédiat, c'est le temps des noyaux. Courage.