1. lexical_cast(Source arg) takes the source argument by value. Why not by const& ? Calling lexical_cast(some_basic_string) now makes a copy of the source argument for no reason.
There numerous optimization/enhancements that could be done to lexical_cast. In my version I use different interpretators, type wrappers, specializations e.t.c. And still in my recent study I found that lexical_cast ~ 20 times slower then sprintf and ~200 times slower then my own handcrafted version for decimal integer parcing. Conclusion: do NOT use lexical_cast in performance critical (even performance aware) parts of your code. The only place where I use it is during initialization. Accordingly no need to bother about reverence vs. value semantic.
2. lexical_cast ignores trailing whitespaces, but not leading whitespaces. Meaning that
My recomendation is: trim the value on both sodes before cast. And do not rely on lexical cast to detect your whitespaces.
Thanks, Yuval
HTH, Gennadiy