On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 05:01:56 +0300, Petri Latvala wrote:
is somewhere documented how to add automake/autoconf stuff for boost to a project? I have a set of small testcases and the need boost_unit_test_framework-gcc library to compile. At the moment I add the lib directly to linker options with
project_test_LDADD = -lboost_unit_test_framework-gcc
But this is not platform independent, because someone might have not gcc installed. So how can I do it in a better way?
The way to put in libraries is to AC_CHECK_LIB them. That will check that the lib is present with the given test symbol, and will link to it in the final build.
Unfortunately, the Boost unit-test framework is a strange beast. AC_CHECK_LIB will check that the lib is present by writing a small main() which calls the supplied function; but boost_unit_test_framework already defines a main(), and requires the user to supply a function with signature test_suite* init_unit_test_suite( int argc, char* argv[] ) Therefore, AC_CHECK_LIB is doomed to fail. Presently I'm trying to use lower-level macros such as AC_LINK_IFELSE. I'll post something if I succeed... Later, Luigi