On 5/22/07, David Abrahams <dave@boost-consulting.com> wrote:
Sorry, what's a boostcon email?
I was referring to emails regarding boostcon, which I erroneously thought were going to a boostcon list (reflector).
There were some emails sent to boostcon-plan@lists.boost-consulting.com at some point before the con, and at the time I typed the previous email, I was mistakenly thinking that some emails were sent w/ "[boostcon]" in the subject, which made me think that there was a boostcon mailing list.
Digging back through the history, it appears that people were typing "BoostCon" in the subject line, and my brain was translating that to "[boostcon]".
So I can probably find what I'm looking for in the boost, or boost-users archive.