Hi there,
I've started to use boost::property_tree to parse some ini files, and I'm
getting an error when I compile using -Wall on gcc 4.4.3.
For this testcase:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Reader{
boost::property_tree::ptree myTree;
read_ini("config.ini", myTree);
cout << myTree.get<float>("sonido.limite", 0.);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Reader r;
If I compile using "g++ -o program testcase1.cpp -I." I get no errors, but
if I add "-Wall", I get:
./boost/property_tree/detail/ptree_implementation.hpp: In function ‘int
main(int, char**)’:
./boost/property_tree/detail/ptree_implementation.hpp:728: warning:
dereferencing pointer ‘default_value’ does break strict-aliasing rules
/usr/include/boost/optional/optional.hpp:422: note: initialized from here
What's the problem? It compiles and works properly, but it would be great to
have a warning-free compilation output.
Thanks in advance.
José Tomás Tocino García