Peter Dimov wrote:
Daniel Krügler wrote:
No ideas, proposals, comments so far?
Please take a look at the attached replacement. Does it work for you? //
Thanks Peter, for your attachment. A first quick test seems to show that the leak detector is quiet now. Interestingly the provided code is much simpler than the older one, but does not call ::TlsFree anymore (I think it cannot call that function to prevent the same problem, which the current mutext attempts to solve). I have not found yet any hints in the documentation of the TLS functions, whether there have to be a matching ::TlsFree for any ::TlsAlloc. Anyone else? Most probably the loss of available TLS indices would be worse than a missing clean-up of a mutex, isn't it? We will test the new code under more realistic conditions to check it, but that need some more time. Any results will be posted here, of course. I would appreciate results of others, too. Thank you very much, Daniel