on 3/29/02 11:05 AM, David Brownell at david_brownell@hotmail.com wrote:
I have the following code that doesn't compile using VC 7.0. I am getting many errors in crc.hpp. Am I missing something simple here? I have just glanced at the manual, so please be gentle with the RTFM responses :)
TIA, David Brownell
#include<iostream> #include "boost\crc.hpp"
int main(void) { const unsigned char DATA[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
boost::crc_32_type crc;
crc.reset(); crc.process_bytes(DATA, sizeof(DATA) / sizeof(*DATA));
std::cout << crc.checksum() << std::endl; return(true); }
I ran it just fine (and got "1191942644" printed). There may be some VC++ 7 quirks. Did you try it with VC++ 6? What error messages did you get? -- Daryle Walker Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie darylew AT mac DOT com