void ode( state_type const &y , state_type &dydt , double t ) { dydt[0] = a1(t) * y[1] - b1(t) * y[2] - c1(t) * y[0]; // ... }
I am little bit confused now how to incorporate the RHS of the ode system-I guess I need to write RHS of the ode separately.Your suggestion would be helpful.
Yes, then the RHS function (ode in the upper case) is passed to the stepper or integrate functions. Just take a look in the docs if this is not clear.^
double a1(double t, double c1, double c2) { // return a1; }
similarly for a2 and a3. i am confused how I can pass the a1,b1,c1 and so on in the ODE function and solve it. Suggestions would be helpful.
Do you need to exchange the functions for your system? In my suggestion I just created a function for coefficient a and and call this function from the rhs function. Otherwise you can make template paramters of it: template< typename CoefA , typename CoefB > struct ode { CoefA m_coef_a; CoefB m_coef_b; ode( CoefA coef_a , CoefB coef_b ) : m_coef_a( coef_a ) , m_coef_b( coef_b ) {} void operator()( state_type const& x , state_type &dxdt , double t ) const { dxdt[0] = m_coef_a( t ) * y[1] ... ... } }; maybe even with a nice make_ode function that you do not need to explicitly pass the template parameter template< typename CoefA , typename CoefB > ode< CoefA , CoefB > make_ode( CoefA coef_a , CoefB coef_b ) { return ode< CoefA , CoefB >( coef_a , coef_b ); } you can use this factory like auto my_ode = make_ode( concrete_a , concrete_b );