27 Feb
27 Feb
5:15 p.m.
If you have VC 7.1 you can use that for double checking syntax. In my view the error messages are quite good. (Of course, nothing's perfect). With a little bit of effort you can keep your GUI stuff in separate modules from the boost stuff and this will make things much easier as well. Robert Ramey Pablo Aguilar wrote:
I don't really have to use Borland, I could use VC7.1, but as it is, I'm already having to learn ACE, Boost.Serialization, Boost.Date_Time, I would've used Boost.MultiIndex but it wasn't available on BC++ so I didn't want to throw in a GUI library also (no, I didn't want to use MFC.. GUI-wise, VCL is far superior)
I'll take a shot at testing with gcc, thanks for the suggestion and your help with this...