AMDG mothdragon wrote:
Okay... So I listened to what you all had to say, and I got to thinking that maybe I did something wrong with the original installation/compilation So i decided to do it again. I downloaded boost_1_37_0.tar.bz2 again. I put the d/l in my /Documents/Programming/C++ directory. Then I did the following...
$ tar -jxf boost_1_37_0.tar.bz2 $ cd boost_1_37_0 $ ./configure --prefix=/Documents/Programming/C++/boost_1_37_0 $ make install
I'm only able to capture this much of the build process...
I'm thinking that my problem lies in the ...skipped 7320 targets part... but I don't know... I don't know why it skipped them either... I am so not used to manual compilation!
This is a problem, but I think that it's a different problem. The output is likely to be a bit long for this list. Redirect the output to a file and send it to me in a private email. (Make sure you get both the standard output and the standard error.)
Ultimately this resulted in the following errors at compile time of my project:
obj/Debug/Griffin RPG V2.o undefined reference to `boost::serialization::extended_type_info::self_register()
What I said before still holds. This file was not compiled against 1.37. Let me put it bluntly. Have you rebuilt obj/Debug/Griffin RPG V2.o? The second thing that is wrong is that you don't seem to be linking to the serialization library. Otherwise I would expect an error like ld: cannot find -lboost_serialization-gcc34-mt-gd-1_37 In Christ, Steven Watanabe