I am trying to dynamically link one of my *libraries* to boost
program_options on windows with msvc-8.0 but linking fails due to a
missing symbol. Quickly googling for this problem revealed no
resolution to my problem, although it appears other people ran into
this issue before.
Did anyone resolve it or is everyone linking boost program_options
statically? I initially ran into this issue on boost 1_34_1 but have
since upgraded to 1_36 hoping it would have gotten fixed with no luck.
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class
std::basic_string boost::program_options::arg"
Here is the link command line:
link /NOLOGO /INCREMENTAL:NO /DLL /DEBUG /subsystem:console
/out:"foo.dll" /IMPLIB:"foo.lib"
/LIBPATH:"..\boost_1_36_0\lib.x86-nt-msvc8" @"foo.dll.rsp"
And foo.dll.rsp contains besides the name of my object files also
references to the following external import libraries: