I am quite new to boost. Are there any code examples around usage of 'open_or_create' mode for ceating the shared_memory_object?
My problem is, after we create a 'shared_memory_object' using 'open_or_create' there is no way to know whether it created 'created' a file or 'opened' an already existing file. We need this apparently, because if we are creating a new file, we have to '
construct<container>("MySharedMemory")' the file with the desired container, otherwise we have to 'find<container>("MySharedMemory")'. All the usage examples I could get were only around 'create_only' and then 'open_only' modes..
My idea is to write one single method, that'd use the 'open_or_create' mode so that we don't have to bother.. a sequence of creation and then usage..
I am not sure if I was clear enough in putting my problem across, please feel free to respond with questions.
Really appreciate any help around this.
Thanks & Regards,
Srinivas Gardas