On Dec 15, 2013, at 9:26 AM, Mateusz Loskot <mateusz@loskot.net> wrote:

On 15 December 2013 09:27, Mihir Thakkar <mihir9293@gmail.com> wrote:
I am new to boost. I would like to contribute to development.
I looked through the libraries and got confused from where to start
understanding and reading such a large codebase.
Is it that all the libraries are independent of each other and I've to look
at only those which I want to work with?

Yes, correct.

If you go to http://www.boost.org you see title "Boost C++ Libraries".
It means, Boost is a *collection* of libraries covering wide range of areas.

Please guide me on how to begin understanding.

You are the only person that knows what is the area of your interest,
then go to http://www.boost.org/libs/ and find library that matches it best,
in *your* own opinion.

Also, check out the section "How can I contribute to development?"
at  http://www.boost.org/users/faq.html

— Marshall