Hello all, I'm attempting to build Boost filesystem as a shared library on HP using aCC(I have no choice, I have to use this compiler). Here is machine and compiler info: HP-UX B.11.11 U 9000/800 (tb) aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.03.63 I have done a libs/config/configure and generated a user.hpp file for this compiler, but using the config doesn't help any. The problem I'm having is I get a compiler error that I don't know how to work around: bash-2.05b$ ../../../tools/boost-jam-3.1.11/bin.hpux/bjam -sTOOLS=acc -sBUILD="debug <runtime-link>dynamic <threading>multi" --builddir=../HPUX-parisc64/src/boost/ --stagedir=../HPUX-parisc64/src/boost/ --without-python --with-filesystem stage Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled. Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information (and if you don't know what ICU is then you probably don't need it). ...found 380 targets... ...updating 14 targets... aCC-C++-action ../HPUX-parisc64/src/boost/bin/boost/libs/filesystem/build/libboost_filesystem.a/acc/debug/threading-multi/exception.o Error 319: "/build.local/rm/3rdparty/c/boost_1_33_1/boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessed/no_ttp/apply_wrap.hpp", line 22 # The number of arguments in the template specialization does not match the number of arguments in the template declaration. : F::template apply< > ^^^^^^^^^ aCC -AA +DA2.0W -c +W823 -I/build.local/rm/3rdparty/c/boost_1_33_1 -DBOOST_FILESYSTEM_STATIC_LINK +d -mt -g -I"../HPUX-parisc64/src/boost/bin/boost/libs/filesystem/build" -I"/build.local/rm/3rdparty/c/boost_1_33_1" -I"/build.local/rm/3rdparty/c/boost_1_33_1" -o "../HPUX-parisc64/src/boost/bin/boost/libs/filesystem/build/libboost_filesystem.a/acc/debug/threading-multi/exception.o" "/build.local/rm/3rdparty/c/boost_1_33_1/libs/filesystem/build/../src/exception.cpp" ...failed aCC-C++-action ../HPUX-parisc64/src/boost/bin/boost/libs/filesystem/build/libboost_filesystem.a/acc/debug/threading-multi/exception.o... a I have done some searches but turned up short on how to get past this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Ed