Bill Somerville wrote:
Subject: Warnings with microsec_time_clock.hpp with VC8.0 From: "David Wyles"
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 15:33:48 +0100 To: "Bill Somerville" To: "Bill Somerville"
I have an issue with a cast warning between a uint64_t and a uint32_t
Line: 156---
boost::uint64_t filetime = ft.dwHighDateTime;
filetime = filetime << 32;
filetime += ft.dwLowDateTime;
filetime -= OFFSET;
// filetime now holds 100-nanoseconds since 1970-Jan-01
boost::uint32_t sub_sec = (filetime % 10000000) / 10; // microseconds
cast warning here as filetime is a uint64_t and subsec is not.
Is this already fixed?
Yes, the microsec_time_clock is fixed in CVS and will be in 1.34. I don't see any unit32 calcs in from ftime. Maybe you can try out the latest cvs or 1.34 rc and see? Jeff