Thank you very much for your quick and detailed reply. I will try this tomorrow, but i'm already very confident this will solve the issue. Also, I actually had the TransportDone struct you described defined in my code, but I guess something else was wrong. Nonetheless, I will use the easy solution.
Hi, I got why it compiles and should not. This is the good part of the news. The bad part is that I probably cannot catch a wrong event inside a pseudo exit at compile-time, only at run-time. So all I can do is add an assert to at least catch the error in debug mode.
Some feedback on the boost library: As the library can be fairly hard to understand at first, after spending some hours in the documentation the result looks all nice and clean. Boost rocks!
In order to make the doc better, where did you encounter difficulties?
Thanks again!
Welcome! Regards, Christophe