On 8/13/2010 3:52 PM, Johan Råde wrote:
What is the most convenient way to build Boost if I need both 32- and 64-bit builds on the same Windows machine?
Thank you everyone for the help. Below is the build script (Windows batch file) that I eventually came up with. (There should be four lines, the mail client may have inserted extra line breaks.) ------ BEGIN SCRIPT ----- call bootstrap bjam toolset=msvc-9.0 address-model=32 runtime-link=shared threading=multi link=shared,static debug/define=_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 release/define=_SECURE_SCL=0 --without-python --without-mpi -sZLIB_SOURCE=C:\Libraries\ZLib stage bjam toolset=msvc-9.0 address-model=64 runtime-link=shared threading=multi link=shared,static debug/define=_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 release/define=_SECURE_SCL=0 --without-python --without-mpi -sZLIB_SOURCE=C:\Libraries\ZLib --stagedir=stage(x64) stage rmdir /s /q bin.v2 ----- END SCRIPT -----