On 1:59 PM, Dustin T. Clifford wrote:



The build worked! It’s the first successful MinGW64 build that I have had. This build was performed from within Cygwin using the mingw64 toolset. I am attempting a build with the MinGW build you pointed me to. Thank again!

Glad to hear it!


However, when I attempt to compile the archive into my library I get the below error.


Isdmain.o:Isdmain.cpp:(.text+0x16c3): undefined reference to `boost::thread::start_thread()'


Isdmain.o:Isdmain.cpp:(.text+0x9e65): undefined reference to `boost::thread::~thread()'


Isdmain.o:Isdmain.cpp:(.text+0xe23a): undefined reference to `boost::thread::thread()'


Isdmain.o:Isdmain.cpp:(.text$_ZN5boost6threadaSENS_6detail13thread_move_tIS0_EE[boost::thread::operator=(boost::detail::thread_move_t<boost::thread>)]+0x131): undefined reference to `boost::thread::~thread()'

Assuming your linker command-line is right ... can you tell if any references are defined?  Are you compiling with the BOOST_THREAD_USE_DLL or BOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB flags? They're not well-documented but necessary <https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4921>.

As a point of reference, the regression tests are linking correctly.


I have examined the library symbols and, indeed, I cannot find the appropriate externs. I jumped from 1.35.0 to 1.45.0. I was just wondering if you have any idea why this would start happening? Am I missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I did run the regression test last night, FYI...


Last column. All tests pass but one.
