Hi Aaron
your guess is correct, my code tis rying to add int values to the graph.
is it a bad idea to use typedef std::pair TEdge;
for add_edge(...) to a graph, below is my relevant source code snippet.
iter = this->Elements.begin();
while(iter != this->Elements.end())
aAtomicElement = (*iter).second;
for (str_iter=aAtomicElement.AE_PinList.begin(); str_iter!= aAtomicElement.AE_PinList.end(); ++str_iter)
for (str_iter2=str_iter+1; str_iter2!= aAtomicElement.AE_PinList.end(); ++str_iter2)
cout << "\n Params before call Add_edge(...) function \n ";
cout << "edge as [std::string]: "<< *str_iter << " ::" << *str_iter2 << " \n ";
cout << "edge as [<int> <int>] : "<< index_of_element( this->VertexNamesList, *str_iter) << " :: " << index_of_element( this->VertexNamesList, *str_iter2) << " \n ";
OneEdge.first = index_of_element( this->VertexNamesList, *str_iter);
OneEdge.second = index_of_element( this->VertexNamesList, *str_iter2);
tie(e, inserted) = add_edge(OneEdge.first, OneEdge.second, g);
if (inserted)
v = source(e, g);
VertexNamesMap[v] = *str_iter;
v = target(e, g);
VertexNamesMap[v] = *str_iter2;
EdgeNamesMap[e] = aAtomicElement.AE_Name;
// EdgeIndexMap[e] = StrToInt(aAtomicElement.AE_ID);
cout << " using Edge -->" << EdgeNamesMap[e] ;
WeightMap[e] = 1 ;
iter ++;
} // while ...
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