On my browser, the serialization documentation shows up with a navigation panel on the left which expands and contracts the sections. This panel uses javascript so I'm guessing you don't have javascript enabled on your browser. My intention has been that things should be navigable even without javascript being enabled. It looks like this intention hasn't been realized. I'll look into it. Robert Ramey Lucas Meijer wrote:
Robert Ramey wrote:
Hmmm - something must be out of whack somewhere. I click on the link in your email - http://www.boost.org/libs/serialization/doc/implementation.html and it goes right where I expect it to.
I don't know what else to say here.
Sorry if I've been unclear here. What I meant was that I couldn't find that document from any place inside the boost-serialize documentation. I only found it because you emailed me the name of the document. I googled that name, and google found the url for me.
If I follow the documentation-path you sent me, I get stuck at "references". when I click the references link, I see no way to progress to the implementation notes.
I've now found the implementation notes being linked to from the bottom of the release notes page though, so it turns out I could have found out myself.
Maybe linking to the implementation notes somewhere more in sight would be a good idea, alltough I'm not sure how many people run into this.
Very glad things work now :)