First of all, i'm a programmer with no much experience using Boost
I'm using Boost for academic purposes and here's my problem.
I simply want to access an element of a multi_index_container, by using the
iterator_to iterator.
the container has entries that are
and is indexed by unique order for the first two values :word and word_id.
*Declaration of my container is below:*
*struct counterpart {
string word;
int id;
float tf_idf;
counterpart(string word_, int id_) {
word = word_;
id = id_;
tf_idf = 0.0;
struct word_name{}; //or word char
struct word_id{};
struct word_tf_idf{};
typedef multi_index_container<
tag, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(counterpart, string,
tag, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(counterpart, int, id)>,
tag, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(counterpart, float,
tf_idf)> >
word_index word_set;
int word_count_id = 1;
From main, I insert some "entries" like below.
*This a test main*
*int main(void){
//insert to word_set
pair word_pair;
if((word_pair = word_set.insert(counterpart("apple",
word_count_id))).second) //word does not exist
I want to access the entry inserted, as i could do with a map. ex
The reason i do this, is because i want to get the value of a unique
word_id, by accessing the name of the word
and a unique word name by accessing a word_id.
This of course is not possible, so i have to use iterator_to.
But i cannot think how to do this.
Should i prepeare a pair as donne when inserting?
Also how a value or an entire entry is returned? In which form?
Thank you all and I hope you can help me!
Andrew Kokkalis
undergraduate student of
Informatics and Telecomunications University of Athens, Greece