21 Jul
21 Jul
4:12 p.m.
AMDG Robert Jones wrote:
inline bool all_if( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate predicate ) { return std :: find_if( first, last, std :: not1( predicate ) ) == last; } Is it impossible to dress-up a standard algorithm in this way?
It's quite possible, but the std function adapters are not up to the job. Here's a simple replacement for std::not1. (!boost::bind(f) also works) template<class F> struct not_t { typedef bool result_type; template<class T> bool operator()(const T& t) { return(!f(t)); } F f; }; template<class F> not_t<F> not(F f) { not_t<F> result = { f }; return(result); } In Christ, Steven Watanabe