Hi all,
the code below using boost::iostream produces unwanted surplus output:
Write: this ist a test output split into two parts
Print: this flushes previous output
Write: another test output
t split into two parts
The last line is a fragment of the first line which should not be
I am using boost 1_39, gcc 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291]
What am I doing wrong here ?
BTW: the code is a stripped demo code. Originally, "true" devices are
used instead of the dummy "0", and I use some home-brewn classes
(instead of just "string") which require specialized output handling
depending on the used device, therefore the direct call into the
stream object. However, this makes no difference.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace io = boost::iostreams;
// "demo" strem sink
class CTestSink: public io::sink
CTestSink(int dummy) {} // iostreams requires constructor argument
streamsize write(const char *s, streamsize n)
cout << "Write: " << s;
void Print(const string &str) const
cout << "Print: " << str << endl;
// the real stream
typedef io::stream<CTestSink> CTestOStream;
// specialized output for "string" objects
CTestOStream &operator<<(CTestOStream &stream, string &str)
// make sure previous output is flushed
// (not required in this example)
stream -> Print(str); // specialized output handling
int main()
// dummy "0" required by boost:iostreams
CTestOStream testostream(0);
testostream << "this ist a test output ";
testostream << "split into two parts" << endl;
string str("this flushes previous output");
testostream << str;
testostream << "another test output " << endl;
Sven Heithecker
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