Oh.Please do not play joke on me.
I am doing my work seriously. I really want the answer on lambda expression in order to know lambda expression further.
Can any one with kindness help me?

I am using Dev-C++,with lambda expression:
class A{
int result;
double function2(const int& n)
double function3(const int& Q,const int& N)
double function1(const int& q, int& n){
    double result=0.0;
    int loopvalue=0, totaltime=n;
   ( for_loop(var(loopvalue)=0,var(loopvalue)<=var(totaltime),++var(loopvalue),
        var(result)+=( bind(&A::function2,_2)*bind(&A::function3,_1,_2))))(q,n);
    return result;
But the complier told me that:
  instantiated from `Arg::sig<boost::tuples::tuple<A&,.................
instantiated from `RET boost::lambda::lambda_functor_base<boost::lambda::forloop_action, Args>::call(A&, B&, C....................
  instantiated from `T::sig<boost::tuples::tuple<A&, B&, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, ............... instantiated from here

By the way, is the result in var(result) the double result in function1 or the int result in class A?
Can any one with kindness help me?
