Ah ok. Well I didn't know, what I thought was, if the word size of the machine was 8 bytes, then each clock cycle move would result in 8 bytes being moved. I wasn't sure though that's why I asked. I know it's silly to consider this level of optimization, but I question things extremely hard lol. Thanks, the list of errors the compiler was giving was just overwhelming.

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Gavin Lambert <gavinl@compacsort.com> wrote:
On 16/01/2014 17:08, Quoth Kenneth Adam Miller:

Also, supposing I go with something like vector<int64_t> or something,

Why would you?  Unless you can guarantee that you're always going to get a multiple of 8 bytes after compression, that seems like asking for trouble.

how do I create a device to make the filtering stream complete? I had:
now I need to do:
but it complains with "error: no matching function for call to"
construct it, and then says that it wants one of a ton of different
valid things, but it template expands all of them so it's a bunch of text...

Your ostream is templated on char, therefore it produces chars.  You can't just insert a char into a vector of int64s.

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