Hi Matthias,
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 4:42 AM, Matthias Troyer
Can you just send me a program that exhibits the problem?
I can reproduce the error with the minimal program attached in an earlier message from this thread. Otherwise, the real code is from this GIT repository in the branch called "mpi": http://pagmo.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=pagmo/pagmo;a=summary The relevant code is in src/mpi_environment.cpp and mpi_island.cpp. The first file implements a class that inits a boost::mpi::environment and, in case of slave nodes, opens up a "daemon" waiting for jobs to execute. The class in the second file is in charge of sending the jobs from the master node to the slaves.
Also, did you test whether your MPI library works on the heterogeneous machine when making the MPI_* calls and packing data into a buffer using the MPI_Pack/MPI_Unpack calls? There might be a problem with pack/unpack on your system.
Well the problem is there also in homogeneous configuration, both in local and remote execution. I never used before those MPI calls, but I tried different setups (e.g., openMPI vs MPICH2, gentoo vs ubuntu, x86 vs ppc64, gcc 4.4 vs 4.5) and all have the same problem. Valgrind comes out completely clean too :/ I'll see if I can get the hang of the MPI (un)pack calls. Cheers, Francesco.