On Mon, 1 Sep 2003 07:27:28 -0600 (MDT), Dave Gomboc
On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, Anders Moe wrote:
Having given some thought to this during the weekend I have also realized a significant difference between ctor/dtor and setup/teardown, as was posted in another subthread of this thread, namely this :
1) the ctor(s) is called at test _setup_ time, while the setup(s) is called at test _runtime_ 2) the dtor(s) is called at test suite exit time, while the teardown(s) is called, again, at test runtime.
I may just be missing something, I've been up all night :-), but it's not obvious to me why one cannot accomplish setup/teardown by appropriate use of RAII. Could someone post a concrete example?
If you mean RAII in each test method that is somewhat laborious and error prone - the nice thing about overloading setup/teardown is that the framework does the calling. If you mean the ctor/dtor version of setup/teardown I was hoping my previous post would provide some arguments. Anders.