Hello boost wave users,
I have written a sample program which uses boost wave and I am trying to run
it on its own source code. The environnement (especially the stl) is
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005.
Since typically an include file like "vector" will be preprocessed many
times (once for every compilation unit), I am saving all the preprocessed
tokens in a
map,string> > token, so that
token[path][make_tuple(line,col)] = value.
Then for each path I am using a forward iterator to spit out all the values
into a buffer.
The major trouble I have is with the macros
#define STD_BEGIN namespace std {
#define STD_END }
defined in the file "yvals.h"
Somehow, STD_BEGIN and STD_END are replaced by blanks and I get "namespace
std{}" at the end of the files instead. Looks like the line and col for
these items are wrong ...
I would like to know if someone has already successfully preprocessed the
stl delivered with Visual C++ 2005.
Thank you in advance for your reply
Ludovic Aubert