If I use a asio::strand and post() there multiple function objects, are they executed in the same order or is the order of execution not specified?
I think to use it as a work queue but I need them to be processed in sequence...
Release 1.87.0 of the Boost C++ Libraries is now available.
These open-source libraries work well with the C++ Standard Library,
and are usable across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost
license encourages both commercial and non-commercial use.
This release contains two new libraries:
* Boost.Parser: A framework for building parsers, from Zach Laine.
The release also contains numerous enhancements and bug fixes for existing libraries.
For details, including download links, see
You can also download directly from:
To install this release on your system, see
Thanks to everyone who participated in this release.
-- The Boost Release Team
Marshall Clow, Glen Fernandes, Ion GaztaƱaga