> I was excited to get to use the graph library for a
> dependency tracking tool
> we needed, now I have a feature that I don't know how to do. This is
> mapping library/executable dependencies and we have a lot of apps with
> common sub-libraries. I'd like to extract a full-rebuild
> order for only
> certain nodes, i.e. what libs do I need to build for apps A
> and B? Since
> its a DAG, I thought something about reachability, perhaps?
> I'm not too
> familiar with graph theory :(
Okay, so I solved that one with using a "depends on" relationship rather
than "used by", then used a breadth_first_search.
Now I have a tougher question, maybe I'll get an answer this time :). I'm
trying to make my graphviz representation look nicer and I was wondering if
there is an algorithm already for simplifying:
A--< \
of course this is happening on a much larger scale.
Thanks for any input you might have,
pardon the disclaimer...
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